Shipwrecks Around the World

Travel around the globe and back in time with artifacts and stories from shipwrecks both famous, and unidentified!

Gold and silver coins, ingots, as well as several rare and unseen artifacts.

Sixty unique 18th century bottles make up the lighted Bottle Wall display accompanied by an interactive touchscreen.
The 1622 Fleet: Riches from the New World
The 17th century was a time of dramatic growth for the Spanish empire. Staying afloat required masses of wealth obtained from the colonies – valuable agricultural goods, gold, silver and gems delivered on merchant ships. Inevitably some of these ships never made it home. Unearth the incredible stories of the Nuestra Senora de Atocha and the Buen Jesus y Nuestra Senora del Rosario, both belonging to the famous Tierra Firme treasure fleet. These mighty vessels fell victim to a powerful hurrican and were lost for nearly 400 years.
SS Gairsoppa: Extraordinary War Silver
Laying three miles deep, under the brutal waves of the North Atlantic Ocean, was a time capsule waiting to be recovered. The SS Gairsoppa was torpedoed by a German U-boat during World War II and all but one crew memeber was lost along with a fortune in silver. The recovery operation required incredible skill and precision, as advanced robotics were used to surgically cut through the steel hull and locate the treasure hidden deep in the ship’s cargo holds; over 110 tons of silver! Explore the tragic story of the sinking and marvel at an actual 80-pound silver ingot recovered from the depths.

A tremendous amphora display that features ancient shipping containers that pre-date the time of Christ!

17-1 Estate Thomas
St. Thomas, USVI
(340) 775-9575
Hopefully open every day from now until . . .