by Roald Thorsen | May 9, 2023 | Museum Happenings
Our new photo mosaic exhibit is now available for you to explore. Find the hidden details on the Republic wreck.
by Roald Thorsen | Apr 4, 2023 | Museum Happenings
Zeus is back up and operational. Come and try your hand at manipulating it’s robotic arm and pick up a coin from the seabed. It’s tricky and slow movements, patience and a steady hand are needed.
by Roald Thorsen | Mar 21, 2023 | Museum Happenings
April 18th, 2023 10AM Join us at the Museum on April 18, 2023 at 10 AM for a book signing event by the author of Vintage Norman Island. Valerie Sims will be present with copies of her book to sign and will give a presentation on the book. Norman Island is said to be...
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